Lots of memories going through my brains in these waning days I have left in Aspen. Out and about as well as at work. Today I recalled a funny that happened the first year or two I was here, which means like 13 or 14 years ago. An elderly gentleman (in his 70's I imagine) was in our vitamin aisle and asked for some assistance. He wanted to know if we had any colloidal silver. Indeed we did, so I lead him to it and pulled it off the shelf. He then asked me to read the directions. I obliged and read out loud the exact directions which you see in the picture (read them now).
After I read them he looked at me and with a straight face and in a deadpan voice said, '
Well, I guess I'll have to kick my wife out of the house when I take it'
Funniest line in the history of ever.
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